How To Visit The 90 Million Euro Mirror Museum Building In Rotterdam (Kunstdepot)

I found myself thinking about the museums in Rotterdam. The buildings, arts and visitors. Where are the best art museum buildings in Rotterdam? I asked myself and then suddenly, I thought about visiting the 90 Million Euro Rotterdam Mirror Museum Building.


Generally speaking, museums exhibit only 6 to 10% of their collections. The world’s first art depot (Kunstdepot) has just opened in Rotterdam. It will display the 151,000 objects in the Boijmans Van Beuningen Museum and allow you to take a look behind the scenes of a museum.The building cost 90 million euros and was designed according to a whole series of sustainable techniques that led it to win the ‘excellent’ score of the BREAAM certification. A combination of solar panels, thermal air management, LED lighting and high-performance insulation makes it a building neutral in terms of consumption. Rainwater will be stored and used for irrigation and toilets. This storage, combined with the green roof, will reduce run-off and feed a pond located next door.


I then found myself reading more about Kunstdepot. Thought about how everyone MUST visit the building here in Rotterdam. See it, enjoy it and take pictures. Well, you have a huge mirror. It is a masterpiece. The article and image above were written and published on Dive City Magazine. It deserves your time and reading. If you love fine art.