Cash Withdrawals Up to € 12,000 Free of Charge – ABN AMRO Bank

Is the Dutch Bank ABN AMRO trying to discourage us (its customers) from withdrawing our own money? That was my first thought, when I received an email from ABN Amro Bank on my account.

 "Dear Client, 

A few weeks ago, we informed you about our new fees and limits for cash withdrawals. We have had to make a minor modification to these limits in order to have the same limits whether you withdraw cash (euro) in the Netherlands or abroad. Instead of up to € 10,000, you will be able to withdraw up to € 12,000 per year free of charge. "

The paragraph above is the first part of the BankMail I received from ABN Amro. I thought was really discouraging. Because? It is your money. Many small businesses in my hometown of Rotterdam and around the Netherlands will be badly affected.