Bothastraat, Afrikaanderwijk In Rotterdam

Bothastraat, Afrikaanderwijk  is one of my favorite streets here in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. I love Bothastraat. It has an interesting past, present and future. The past, present and the future. Now, before you visit Bothastraat, you may or may not like the history.

Unlock the history of Bothastraat in Afrikaanderwijk

Bothastraat is a street located in Afrikaanderwijk that was named after a controversial figure in South African history, Pieter Willem Botha. Botha was a former president of South Africa who served from 1984 to 1989 during the apartheid era.

During Botha's presidency, South Africa was heavily criticized for its discriminatory policies and human rights abuses. Many people in Afrikaanderwijk and elsewhere in the Netherlands opposed the decision to name a street after him, seeing it as a celebration of apartheid and racism.

In recent years, there have been calls to rename Bothastraat to reflect a more inclusive and diverse history of the neighborhood. In 2020, the Rotterdam city council voted to remove the name of Bothastraat and rename it to Mandelastraat, in honor of Nelson Mandela, the South African anti-apartheid revolutionary and former president.

The decision to rename Bothastraat to Mandelastraat was seen as a symbolic gesture to recognize the struggles and contributions of those who fought against apartheid and racism in South Africa and around the world. It also reflects the multicultural and inclusive spirit of Afrikaanderwijk, which celebrates diversity and promotes social justice.

Discover the future of Bothastraat in Rotterdam

In the last decades, Bothastraat in Rotterdam has gone through a lot of change. The street has been transformed completely. The old houses have been demolished and new homes have been built. New neighbors have moved into the street. Made Bothastraat their new home.