Best School (Blijvliet) for Children in South Rotterdam

I had to take a picture of the Blijvliet school billboard. There was a guy standing right there against the wall eating his lunch. Told him what I was about to do. He moved away and I took that image above.

About 250 children visit Blijvliet every day

"Blijvliet has a public identity. About 250 children visit Blijvliet every day. These children come from very different cultures, speak different languages at home and have different nationalities. Of course, all children are welcome at Blijvliet, regardless of religion, origin or skin color."

"We think it is very important that all these different children feel safe and valued. At Blijvliet, respect for other beliefs is therefore the starting point. Not separately but together! We believe that children should enjoy going to Blijvliet, because that is a precondition for developing as well as possible."

The building was constructed back in 1918

The Blijvliet building was formerly GLO A no. 99 and I used to live behind it and around the neighborhood. Each and every time, I walk pass that school building, I think about how many children were educated and develop inside and outside that school building.