Dutch Government, Wealthy Russians & Superyachts – ABC News

Whenever I receive email alerts about the Dutch government from my email assistant, I always get excited. And today, I got a very good one from ABC News. Plus, how some wealthy Russians ordered superyachts from the Netherlands. 

Dutch move to hold 12 yachts ordered by wealthy Russians. The Dutch government says it is making sure a dozen yachts ordered by super-wealthy Russians are not delivered to anyone as part of sanctions imposed over the war in Ukraine. Dutch Foreign Minister Wopke Hoekstra wrote in a letter to parliament that the oft-complicated ownership structures of such yachts are actively investigated and that no such vessel would be allowed to leave its construction yard.


As I was reading the above article on ABC News website, I found myself thinking about how the invasion of Ukraine by Russia can massively affect the bottom line of the company that manufactures the yachts.  Welcome to the power and limitation of globalization.