Homelessness In Rotterdam

The image above came from The Mayor website. The article focused on how the four largest cities in the Netherlands demand action against homelessness. Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague and Utrecht.


It is one of the major social issues that makes me feel sad about my hometown. And it is a very serious issue. Homelessness. When I stop and really think about homelessness in general, I find myself thinking nationwide.


This is a major problem in The Netherlands. Especially in the four major cities. Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague and Utrecht. Yes, I am very much aware of the fact that The Netherlands is a very small country.


Currently, we have a population of more than 17 million people. Technically, we are approaching 18 million people. Sooner or later, the Netherlands will hit 20 million people. It is a really scary figure.


"The four largest cities in the Netherlands demand action against homelessness. The four large municipalities of Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague and Utrecht (known as G4) made an urgent appeal to the central government earlier this week. What they demand is for the government to take responsibility and reverse the trend of rising homelessness."



Couple of hours ago, I went out to buy a few things. On my way home, I suddenly realized that I did not have any pocket money. No physical cash on me. Yes, I do have my bank pass. But I love the feeling of having some cash in my pocket.


You can call me old fashioned if you will. It was dark, rainy and cold. As I watched the cars, trams, bicycles, people and motorcycles pass by, I decided to walk to the nearby ATM. Got there and withdrew some money.


On my way back home, I was approached by a man. He asked me for 50 Euro cents. Unfortunately, I did not have any change on me. I asked him what he wanted to do with the money. He told me that he wanted to buy some bread.


He added that he was homeless. That was not the first time that I had encountered someone asking me for money in the middle of the street. It was also not the first time that a homeless person had asked me for money.


I used to work with a non-profit organization here in Rotterdam. One of the projects that we conducted was buying food supplies from the major super markets. Storing them inside a small food bank. Distributing them to the homeless.


Searching for those who could not afford to eat decent meals and giving the food to them. It was a fulfilling job. Even though I was a volunteer.  Never got paid. I felt like I was making a huge difference in my hometown.


Felt like I was helping the people of Rotterdam who really need help the most.. I wanted him to come along with me to the nearby supermarket so that I could buy him bread, cheese and soft drink or soup. Unfortunately, he refused.


He needed 50 Euro cent. I did not have any coins on me. I only had a €50 note on me that I had withdrawn from the nearby ATM. I spent some time talking to him about homelessness. Asking him a few questions about how he became homeless.


I know a few homeless shelters here around Rotterdam South. I am also aware of food banks around my neighborhood. So, I decided to offer him some directions on how to locate them. Plus, I offer him some very valuable advice.


It was dark and cold outside. Since we are now in winter, it is not healthy to be running around in the middle of the night. Plus, currently, there are also Covid-19 restrictions here in the Netherlands. The new variant is spreading.


After saying goodbye to him, I started walking back home. I found myself thinking about all the people who are lucky enough to have homes. Safe place to call home during these Christmas holidays. Including myself and I felt lucky and grateful.


I started focusing on the buildings around me, The Christmas lights and the people occupying the homes. I thought about how lucky they are to have homes. When I got closer to my street, I saw one of my neighbours walking his dog.


He was on the phone. Talking to someone. Got to the main door of his block. Pulled his key, opened the door and got inside with his dog. I remember feeling very happy for him because he has a safe and decent home.


I remember thinking how lucky he is to have home. He has no idea. When I got home I decided to create and publish a post about homelessness in Rotterdam. Not everyone has access to decent housing in The Netherlands.


If you would like to read the whole article, you can click the image above, visit their website and read more. It will give you a mental map about the homelessness not only in these four major cities but the whole of The Netherlands.