How Deadly Floods Destroyed Parts Of Europe, Killed Almost 200 People & The Netherlands Saved Lives – CNN

The image of the deadly flooding in parts of Europe above was taken and published by CNN. And the headline of their article captured a little bit of the devastating image of what happened in Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands.


I was clued to my television. Focused and watching the destruction of lives and properties by water. Heavy rain flooded part of Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. I was sure that I was not the only one watching the flooding on television.


I know people in Germany. I started thinking about how they could be affected by the deadly flooding. Maybe not them directed but their friends and relatives. Germany is one of our neighboring countries. We share boarder with them. It was a very painful experience.


It is another friendly neighboring country. Part of it was devastated. I tried calling a friend who lives in the South part of Belgium. I could not reach him. I called my brother to ask about him. I could not reach my brother. I was restless. Finally, my friend returned my call. I was relieved.


South of the Netherlands flooded. We did not escape the flooding. Not as bad and Belgium and Germany but we felt the pain, loss and devastation. Lucky, no lives were lost in South Holland. It still does not make it better.


"As communities devastated by the catastrophic flooding in parts of western Europe start picking up the pieces, they are wondering how it all went so wrong, so fast. After all, Europe has a world-leading warning system that issued regular alerts for days before floods engulfed entire villages."


Today, I found myself online. As I was going through my emails, I decided that I wanted to write, post and share about my experience of the recent flooding in Western Europe. Even though, I was not personally affected. The headline of CNN hit me.


“Deadly floods inundated parts of Europe, but the Netherlands avoided fatalities. Here's why.”


It is the strangest thing about the mind, the past, present and future. It brought back all the bad memories of last week’s deadly flooding in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands. My brother’s wife’s sister was affected badly.


Yes, the headline of CNN caught my eyes. But the more I read the article on their website, the more I realized that there were lessons that could be learned from the whole destruction. While Germany and Belgium lost lives, Netherlands avoided casualties.


If you have enjoyed reading this post and you would like to read more, you can click the CNN image and links above. They will take you to the website and post of CNN, where you can read the whole article. I certainly enjoyed reading the post.