How €33.5 Million Worth Of Cocaine Was Intercepted By Rotterdam Port Authorities

Today’s post is absolutely interesting. Because? It involves drugs, money and the port city of Rotterdam. When I say, drugs, I mean cocaine. And I am not talking about small amount of money. I am talking about millions of Euros worth of drugs.

Port of Rotterdam

It is one of the most interesting attractions of Rotterdam. It used to be the largest port in the world. And then we have another aspect of Rotterdam. We have the import and the export part of Rotterdam that build the economy of Rotterdam.

Drug Smuggling

Rotterdam port is also associated with drug smuggling. Not a good thing. Bad image. It is kind of interesting because I was online reading about what is happening in Rotterdam. Looking for information that is relevant to my home town of Rotterdam

Port Authority

When I came across this article on NL Times website, I stopped and started reading it. More than €33.5 Million worth of cocaine was intercepted at the port of Rotterdam. It made me realize that the Rotterdam port authorities are doing their job.

€33.5 million in cocaine intercepted at Rotterdam port

"Two cocaine consignments were intercepted at the Rotterdam port on Wednesday and Thursday, the Public Prosecution Service (OM) confirmed. A total of 449 kilograms of cocaine worth more than 33.5 million euros was seized by Customs officers during various checks."

Protecting Rotterdam

They are keeping the city of Rotterdam safe. Protecting the people of Rotterdam. I came across this interesting article about how €33.5 million in cocaine was intercepted at Rotterdam port on NL Times website.