How Millions Of Dutch Watched Tokyo Olympic Games – NOS Sport

The spirit of the Tokyo Olympic Games is still in the air. We are still celebrating and acknowledging the effort and determination of all the participants. We are still proud of the Team NL. The Dutch Team did their very best. The interesting thing that came out of it is how many Dutch people followed the Olympic Games in Tokyo in 2021. Below is an interesting article by NOS Sport that I read last year.

NOS: – About 11.4 million Dutch people follow the Olympic Games

"About seven out of ten Dutch people watched the Olympic Games broadcast by the NOS. That equates to 11.4 million people, the broadcaster announced on Monday."

"On average, each person watched the Olympic programs at the NOS for thirteen hours. On average, 536,000 people watched the live broadcasts every day, partly at night because of the time difference with Japan."

"Interested parties could also watch the sports activities online. A total of 21 million live streams have been started and the NOS Olympic website has been visited by 6.4 million unique visitors in two weeks."

The Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 gave the world hope despite COVID-19

The above article from NOS was originally written in Dutch and published on MSN website. I decided to translate it from Dutch into English and share it with those of you who speak English. I was not surprised by the number of Dutch citizens that followed the Olympic Games in Japan last year. It was really an exciting time for me. Watching the games, the Dutch Team and all the athletes on television was exhilarating. I am very happy for all of us in the Netherlands, the rest of the world and most importantly the host nation, Japan. Despite the pandemic, Japan gave the rest of world hope.