How Rotterdam Constructed 137 Brand New Homes For Humans In The Afrikaanderwijk

Overview of new construction De Roseknoop, Afrikaanderwijk Rotterdam. 137 social rental homes from Hef Wonen. This post is about how the Rotterdam housing cooperation (Hef Wonen) designed, planned and constructed 137 social rental homes for modern humans in the area of The Afrikaanderwijk.

I accessed my email account today. Saw so many emails. One in particular caught my eye and attention. It was a newsletter from my housing corporation. Hef woenen. I thought the title was interesting. “137 brand new homes in Afrikaanderwijk”.

I clicked the link below and checked out the video clip above on YouTube. “”Building decent and affordable homes for modern humans.“ That was what I taught. The really interesting thing about the number of homes completed was the piece of land used.

137 brand new homes in the Afrikaanderwijk

We can build new homes again. And we can renovate more homes. And that is necessary. We are proud to show you our newest complex De Roseknoop.

This complex is located in the Afrikaanderwijk and consists of three parts: a tower and a gallery block with apartments and single-family homes with a garden or terrace.

All 137 homes are gas-free and energy efficient. From the tower you have a beautiful view of Rotterdam. Since the opening in October, we have been busy renting out the homes.

First to the people who return to their beloved neighborhood after the demolition of their home in the Tweebosbuurt. There are still approximately 40 two-room apartments for rent. We offer these homes through Woonnet Rijnmond.

 “Building decent and affordable homes for all modern humans.“

Most developing countries and the rest of the world are still way behind when it comes to thinking of decent and affordable housing and accommodation for their citizens differently. They are also behind Rotterdam, and Netherlands when it comes to behaving and living in a sustainable way.

Rotterdam is way ahead of the rest of the cities in modern innovation, land management and technology of proper construction and social housing. It is the priority of the political class, architectural industry and construction companies. .

In most developing countries and cities, the whole building complex and space of land would probably belong to ONLY one man, his wife and children. That is an abuse and misuse of power and resources of the nation and citizens.