How The Dutch Population Is Declining Within Certain Areas In The Netherlands

The topic of population is a very hot topic. The country is very small. There are so many people. 17.44 million in 2020. The size of the Netherlands is 41,543 km². Now the population is shrinking in certain areas according to the Dutch government website.


The government wants to maintain the liveability of areas where the population is shrinking or where decline is forecast. Populations are declining in several parts of the Netherlands, especially northern and eastern Groningen and southern Limburg. This could mean more unoccupied homes and more schools having to close down. The provincial and municipal authorities hold primary responsibility for tackling the consequences of population decline and demographic ageing. In this, they receive support from the central government.


This post is definitely an example of how every government around the world must look at its population. Monitor how the people, spaces and businesses are doing. Asking critical questions. Finding the right people with the right skills and supporting them.