Reasons Why People Should Never Move To The Netherlands – Gulce Onganer

Gulce Onganer is a YouTuber. Lives, works and plays like I do in The Netherlands. Came across her channel the other day. Took the time to watch one of her videos. The title caught my eye and attention. Thought it was interesting and intriguing.

In this highly requested video, I'm sharing with you top 6 reasons why you shouldn't move to the Netherlands. Living in the Netherlands as an expat is often praised, but there are pros and cons of living in the Netherlands just as in any other country. I wanted to do my best to speak about some of the cons of living in the Netherlands that I've observed over the last 10+ years of living here. Like I mention, my intention is not to upset anyone, but to inform and hopefully entertain. Are some of the things I'm talking about valid? Why? Why not? If you want to let me know your thoughts, let's have a discussion in the comments!

Gulce Onganer

I took the time to watch her video above on YouTube. It was about the top 6 reasons why she thinks you should not move to the Netherlands. I had a lot of fun with it. I am sure you will, too. She has some valid points. Thought I should share it with you.