Why Rotterdam Is A Place Of Education

Do you love education like I do? If so, you would love my hometown of Rotterdam. Because? It is a City of Education. It is not just valued here in Rotterdam. It is highly valued. Freedom to education is very important to our way of life.


This is my very first post about the industry of education in Holland. Notice that I said, “industry” because that’s what the educational system really is globally. In the Netherlands, it is not limited to Dutch. You can study in different languages.


If you only speak English, can you study in Rotterdam? You can study in different languages. It all depends on the subject that you choose. I like to think that English is the second official language in Rotterdam, and the Netherlands.


The really cool thing about Rotterdam, it is that fact that there are so many schools in and around Rotterdam. Even right in front of my home, there is a school building. The image above is from Albeda Collage in Rotterdam