The Creation Of A “We-Society” In Rotterdam – Ahmed Aboutaleb

I was thinking about what to publish today about Rotterdam. Suddenly, I thought about the Mayor of Rotterdam. Ahmed Aboutaleb. As I found myself researching information about him online, I came across the video clip above from European Society Network.

The Mayor of Rotterdam

"The creation of a ‘we-society’ in Rotterdam. Ahmed Aboutaleb present his vision of an integrated and socially inclusive Rotterdam – the ‘we-society.’ Here, he shares his personal experience of migration, why it is important to prevent the reproduction of poverty and the importance of education."

The Future is Rotterdam

He was giving a talk at the European Society Network, in The Hague. The audience was huge. He jokingly talked about how Rotterdam is the future. If you are looking for the past, go to other cities like The Hague. I completely agree with him.