The Future Of The Netherlands In Europe

As I was publishing the image of the new Dutch Foreign Minister Wopke Hoekstra above from the Dutch Government website, I found myself thinking about all the changes that are happening here in my hometown of Rotterdam, around the Netherlands and all over Europe.

'I want the Netherlands to play a leading role in making the EU stronger, greener and more decisive. By acting collectively to defend our borders. By responding to divide-and-rule strategies with unity. By giving our economy a boost through investments in innovation. By standing up for our values, not only outside Europe, but also and especially inside it. This is the way we need to confront the challenges of the 21st century.' 'Together we are stronger, both within Europe and beyond. These are the thoughts that were on my mind as I stepped into my role as Minister of Foreign Affairs yesterday. I’m looking forward to it!'

The above statement was part of what the new Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs said about the role and the future of the Netherlands in Europe and the world. Yes, we do have a brand new foreign minister and old and new administration in the Netherlands. You can read the rest of the article on the Dutch Government website by clicking the link or image above if you find it interesting.