Tips For A Carefree Summer From Zilveren Kruis

Zilveren Kruis is a healthecare insurance provider in my hometown of Rotterdam, and the rest of the country, Netherlands. Today, I received an interesting email from them in my inbox with a thought-provoking question about the summer season.

"Heeft u overal aan gedacht voor deze zomer?"

 "Tips voor een zorgeloze zomer"

 "Reisadviezen, vaccinatiebewijzen en quarantaineplicht. Door corona is het best lastig om deze zomer een vakantie te plannen. Want hoewel in veel landen de maatregelen versoepelen, kan het advies ook plots veranderen. Gaat u met het gezin op vakantie? Of viert u de zomer thuis? In beide gevallen hebben wij praktische tips om er een ontspannen seizoen van te maken."

“Have you thought of everything for this summer?”

That was the title of the email. The email was written in Dutch and I decided to translate it into English for our non-Dutch speakers and international website visitors and readers. You can read the Dutch version above and the English translated version below.

Have you thought of everything for this summer?

 Tips for a carefree summer

 Travel advice, vaccination certificates and quarantine obligation. Due to corona it is quite difficult to plan a holiday this summer. Because although the measures are relaxing in many countries, the advice can also suddenly change. Are you going on holiday with the family? Or are you celebrating summer at home? In both cases we have practical tips to make it a relaxing season.

Zilveren Kruis is my healthcare insurance provider. They have been providing me with a healthcare insurance for a long time. The really cool thing about them is the fact that they play a very important role in keeping the people in my hometown of Rotterdam healthy. Making Rotterdam one of the healthiest cities in Europe.